Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Pogroms by the Jewish settlers in Hebron

An excellent, powerful coverage by a Ha'aretz reporter, Avi Issacharoff, of the pogroms by the Jewish settlers in Hebron .  Watching a video report accompanying the article, one gets a sense of the enormous cost that these settlers are exerting on Israel (never mind the Palestinians). The ideological cost of the world watching Jewish settlers beat up the Palestinian families.  The psychological cost to Israeli citizens, such as Avi, of having to reconcile living in the same state as the settlers who claim the divine right to plunder and kill Palestinians.  The economic cost of having busloads of Israeli troops remove settlers from the houses they try to illegally occupy in the Palestinian territories.   And this is just one house. Out of the hundreds being contested by the settlers.  One house at a time.


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