Sunday, March 29, 2009

Human Trafficking (YP Discussion Group)

The World Affairs Council, Young Professionals invite you to our biweekly discussion group:

Wednesday, 1 April 2009 | 7:00 p.m.

Laurelwood NW Public House, NW Kearney & 23rd (MAP)
(Upstairs in the back room.)

Hundreds of thousands of people fall into slavery each year (some estimates even put the figure into the millions). According to the CIA tens of thousands are brought to the U.S. each year (including to Oregon). Recent movies have highlighted this brutal trade (such as Taken andSlumdog Millionaire) where people are used as domestic servants, beggars and thieves, laborers, and in the sex trade. Part of organized crime, human trafficking is often associated associated with the drug and arms trade, such as along the Mexican-U.S. border. What are the conditions that lead to this practice? Why is it so difficult to stop? How many of these victims wind up here in Oregon? Start the discussion on our blog.
Stay Informed: The Official YP Blog

Submit your discussion topic ideas for future meetings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't make it tonight because i have to work but i wanted to reply to the questions for tonights discucssion. the conditions that lead to human trafficking are the demand for cheap labor and sex, availablility of vulnerable victims, underpaid and/or corrupt officials, ease of access to the victims through the internet and than once you're in a foreign country (as well as anonymity and low risk of detection). it is so difficult to stop because the victims are undocumented, the traffikers rich and intimidating (and place the victims under debt bondage), demand is on the rise, the issue crosses mulitple state, nationa, etc. borders and juristictions. also the desperation in the unknowing victims to have a better life abraod perpetuates the ease of recruitment. this form of slavery is so lucrative because the victims can be sold over and over again. so here are some things to get the discussion started... see you next time hopefully.
