Monday, September 28, 2009

Disputed Territory (YP Discussion Group)

The World Affairs Council, Young Professionals invite you to our biweekly discussion group:

Wednesday, 30 September 2009 | 7:00 p.m.

Laurelwood NW Public House, NW Kearney & 23rd (MAP)
(Upstairs in the back room.)

Kashmir, the Palestinian Territories, East Timor, Tibet, Northern Ireland, the Kurdish region, Kosovo, Eritrea, Abkhasia and South Ossetia. Disputes over territory cause some of the most emotional and violent conflicts in the world. Why is this? What do these places have in common? Does it always make sense to "let the people decide"? What about the minority? Should the international community always intervene and try to solve these conflicts, or do they need to be resolved locally? Where has the painful path to peace been successful, and can we learn from those examples?

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Submit your discussion topic ideas for future meetings.

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