Monday, April 05, 2010

Israeli Krav Maga Women's Self Defense Seminar April 17

Did you know that April is a Sexual Assault Awareness Month?  To mark it, Krav Maga Worldwide Official Training Centers across the globe are offering self defense seminars for women as a service to the community.  I attended a 3-hour seminar last Saturday, and can attest that this may be the best $40 I spent for a three hour hard-core training/workout.  I have several serious bruises to show for it, but the training was well worth it.  The trainers (current law enforcement folks who are also Krav Maga instructors) are great and encouraging, the information and techniques they share are easy to remember and follow, and you never know when it will save your life.

So what’s the international connection, you may ask?  Well, the technique being taught is Krav Maga, which is a self-defense technique used by the Israeli military forces and which is widely used by the police departments in the US, including Oregon.  Tenuous, you may say.  Well, yes, probably.  But if it’s good enough for the Israeli Defense Forces, it’s good enough for me. 

See announcement below for more information and how to register. 



Nationally certified self-defense instructors and defensive tactics experts will be available to answer questions and give advice to the general public on how to prevent and survive a violent encounter! 

Milwaukie ,  OR - On April 17, 2010, the  Krav  Maga  Worldwide  Official  Training  Center in Milwaukie, OR will be offering all women ages 16 and older a 3-hour self-defense seminar. This event will be held from 1:00-4:00 PM at Krav Maga Self Defense & Fitness,  5484 SE International Way ,  Milwaukie , OR  97222 . Krav Maga Self Defense & Fitness, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, and Canby Police Dept. will sponsor it.

Each of the sponsoring law enforcement agencies will provide defensive tactics instructors trained in playing the role of attacker and the use of specially designed padded assailant suits. The seminar participants will be able to practice the self defense techniques taught in a realistic manner, utilizing full force strikes and kicks against the padded assailants.

Although participants do not need any previous self defense or martial arts training to participate, the seminars will be very physical, and participants should be at least moderately fit to get the most out of the seminar. However, women who are pregnant, for example, or injured, or in some other way limited in the ability to physically exert themselves are welcome to attend and sit out during any of the physical exercises and fights vs. padded assailants if they deem them too strenuous to perform safely. Even though a person may not be able to fully participate, they will benefit greatly by attending and participating at whatever level they are able to. Please view video highlights of last year's seminars at http://kravmagaport RapePreventionSe minarVideo. html  to get a better idea of what the seminars are like.

The cost will be $40. The proceeds of the event will be donated to Clackamas Women’s Services (http://www.cwsor. org). Since 1985, Clackamas Women's Services has been the only non-profit organization in  Clackamas  County dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence against women and children. CWS has safely harbored over 7,000 women & children within their two shelters.

Participants may register and pay online using secure Google checkout at http://kravmagaport RapePreventionSi gnUp.html. 

Krav Maga (pronounced krahv muh-GAH) is the official self-defense system for the men and women of the Israeli Defense Forces, and is required training for scores of law enforcement agencies in the United States, including the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office and Canby Police Dept.

Krav Maga is recognized as the most efficient self defense system for real-life situations, emphasizing practical defenses against real attacks. Thousands of civilians nationwide, and many celebrities on the screens in  Hollywood now embrace the system.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 2.5 million women experience violence annually. Statistics also show that every 90 seconds a woman is raped in  America.

The greater  Portland area needs community involvement and support. We must recognize that rape is a crime of violence, and its occurrence is never the fault of the victim. Everyone must work together to raise awareness and promote strong, alert, confident and healthy attitudes and defensive skills to end  America ’s sexual assault epidemic. Krav Maga Self Defense & Fitness will make this training available to all women in the community who wish to possess the skills needed to prevent or survive a violent assault.

Ms. Renee Jenkins, a certified Krav Maga Worldwide Instructor and women’s self defense expert will be conducting this empowering course. Ms. Jenkins has trained hundreds of students in the  Portland area. Every week, she teaches women and men how to protect themselves and stay safe using Krav Maga.

Learning self-defense is not just learning to kick and punch an attacker. Self-defense begins with an attitude of: “I will not be a victim!” Attackers choose their victims the way predators choose their prey. Predators always go after the weak, isolated, young or old because they are an easy target. If you appear strong, alert and healthy, you have a much better chance of avoiding an attack. Krav Maga instructor Renee Jenkins empowers women with the self-confidence and skills required to AVOID BECOMING A VICTIM.

Participants may register and pay online using secure Google checkout at http://kravmagaport RapePreventionSi gnUp.html.

Please help spread the word about our seminars. Invite everyone you know who may be interested. You can download a seminar flyer at http://kravmagaport RapePreventionSe minars2010. pdf. Please print and post it wherever you can and email it to friends. We also have high quality color printed flyers available at our school at  5484 SE International Way in  Milwaukie . Please feel free to take some anytime during class hours and post them wherever you can.


1 comment:

Patrick said...

Here something is new to read and also some very good information...Please keep me updated as much as possible....
Krav Maga Ireland