Monday, August 15, 2011

War and Famine in Somalia (YP Discussion Group)

The World Affairs Council, Young Professionals invite you to our fortnightly discussion group:

Wednesday, 17 August 2011 | 7:00 p.m.

Madison's Grill, 1109 SE Madison St. (Map)

With millions of people in need of food, hundreds of thousands have fled to the capital or neighboring Kenya, overwhelming refugee camps. In addition to starvation, the UN estimates that cholera immediately threatens the lives of half a million children. As if all of this wasn't enough, reports now indicate that the theft of food aid is on a scale previously unimaginable. What if anything can or should the international community do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Comdemn the authorities that allow food theft and send troops in to protect the food. Pay more than the food thieves pay in bribes. Quit playing humanitarian and do whatever it takes to save people's lives!